On the Second Sunday of Easter, April 7th, ten people joined with Rev. Dr. Karen Medland who entitled her message “When Our Doubt Is Greater Than Our Faith.”

We heard the scripture John 20:19-31 where Jesus declares himself to the disciples sheltered in a locked room in fear. Jesus shows them his hands and side from the crucifixion to prove it is indeed him in their presence. However, the disciple Thomas was not there and when the disciples told him they had seen Jesus, Thomas doubted them. And then Jesus once again is present with the disciples including Thomas who like the other disciples is shown Jesus’ crucifixion wounds. Thomas is a great example of discipleship, Karen reiterated, because he is riddled with doubt and wonders where God is. Thomas’ doubts the other disciples, not Jesus, as he is confirmed in his belief in Jesus. In our own doubts and fears we can indeed trust in God because we trust in Jesus through the Spirit for Christ is ever among us. Thanks be to God!

The Third Sunday of Easter, April 14th, saw twenty-two people join with our worship leader Traci Fontana-Wegelin as she spoke of “Have a Little Faith.” We heard the scripture Ephesians 2:8-10 where faith is described as the gift of God. Traci asked, “What is faith?” and “Where does faith come from?” She then declared that faith is an inner certainty and is not belief. For belief is passive and faith is active defining who we are. We all face challenges that test our faith, but we continue to have the new heart that is generated by God. Some of the people in scripture that showed us faith include Mary, Abraham, Esther, and Moses among countless others. We are a faith-filled people which is God’s gift to us. How and where do we exhibit this God-given gift in today’s world?