Happy 135th Birthday, St. Andrew’s!
You don’t look a day over 100, but what an eventful, impactful history you have provided to the community!
Originally founded in July 1883 where services were held at homesteaders homes, the Pine Creek St. Andrew’s congregation graduated to a church, which was built on land fronting Macleod Trail, and opened on October 5, 1890. Unfortunately, this site was hit by lightning in 1933 but through great providence contents such as pews, the organ and pulpit were saved and amazingly are still in use today!

Pine Creek St. Andrew’s Church early 1920’s

First Pine Creek Minister, Reverend R. A. Munro
In 1934, W.H. Cushing donated the present one-acre site of St. Andrew’s. A new church was built in earnest and officially opened January 6, 1935. This was a great achievement as long time Treasurer Russell Martin stated, “This church was built right in the middle of the great Depression. Nobody had any money, yet they built a church and kept it open and came to worship.”
Our “power socials” reach back as far as the origination of St. Andrew’s and as was noted by one early secretary, “In the early years of the church, a program was held after each meeting. This consisted of instrumental music, recitations, followed by tea. After which we retired, imbued with the sentiment that it is good for brethren to dwell together in unity”.
Fundraisers for both the church and community have long been the focus for Congregants. In 1907, a basket social was held when repairs to the church were needed and $183.50 was realized. Additionally, the Ladies Aid and then the DeWinton Church Ladies Group were diligent in raising funds for needy causes.
Our current historian, Sandra Neish, along with Jean Burns, have worked relentlessly this year to update our members list and historical records. We have much to be proud of as our pioneers definitely paved the way for a brighter tomorrow.

St Andrew’s United Church in 2019