Everyone is Welcome at St. Andrew’s United Church!
You do not need to be a member to attend service, just know that we follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Join us for coffee and goodies after church. You are not required to bring food to our “power social”, but are very welcome to share in what is provided. At St. Andrew’s United Church, we often refer to coffee after church, jokingly, as the “power social” as many decisions are made here by the congregation over coffee and a cake.
Please feel comfortable in introducing yourself to Rev. Julia and to our congregants.

Statement of Purpose
As followers of Jesus Christ, we are committed to:
- Accepting all who come, creating a sense of belonging;
- Compassionately caring for each other and those in need;
- Worshipping and sharing generously with each other and our community.
Cheerfully join our community of faith on our journey to follow the teachings of Jesus.
Bible Study
We meet every Thursday morning from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at Okotoks United Church. If you are interested, please speak to Reverend Julia for more information or bring your Bible and just show up.
All are welcome!

In the United Church of Canada we offer an open table where everyone is welcome to partake in communion. It is not our table, it is Christ’s table, therefore we invite everyone, regardless of their faith tradition or where they’re at on their faith journey to join us for communion.
We receive New Members on Easter and the first Sunday of Advent. Prior to this a class is offered to those who wish to become members. This day long class is offered at Okotoks United Church and provides an overview of the United Church of Canada and what is expected of a member. Those wishing to become members who have never been baptized will be baptized as a part of joining the church.
Baptism is a sacrament of the church and among other things includes a commitment to being part of the community of faith. In order for an infant or child baptism to be performed at St. Andrew’s United Church, at least one parent must be a member of the United Church of Canada and the family must have been attending the church for at least six months prior to the baptism. The sacrament of baptism takes place in public at a Sunday morning Worship service.
Adult baptisms signify to the community that the person is committed to being a disciple of Christ and to being an active member of the church. Adults become members of the church through a profession of faith at a Sunday morning Worship service.
For infant, child and adult baptisms a class and/or meeting with the minister is required for the purpose of determining the meaning of baptism and to confirm the commitment of the family or individual.
Other Ministries
At St. Andrew’s United Church, we have the opportunity to partake in many of the Ministries offered through Okotoks United Church. The Okotoks and DeWinton churches are likened to family and we share Rev. Julia for services, events, and other ministries. Please review the Okotoks United Church ministries for more information, or visit their website: