We once again gathered for worship on December 8th where twenty people joined Julia who entitled her message “Peace Beyond Reason.” _The scripture read was Luke 1:57-80 where we heard of Elizabeth and Zechariah proclaim their baby’s name was John. The second Advent candle was lit – the candle representing peace. Julia said that we all long for peace and one of the questions she asked was “Why do we continue to deny peace even in our own lives?” _She described two types of peace: care for those around us; and the internal peace – serenity – which Jesus offers. This inner peace comes in stillness and contemplation and is the opposite of the Oxford dictionary phrase of the year ‘brain rot.’ _whenever we cultivate this internal peace, we know ourselves fully because this peace always lives in the present and as we sit down inside ourselves this internal peace can change our lives. So do we daily endeavor to have this internal peace beyond reason?
Then on the Third Sunday of Advent, December 15th, twenty-five worshippers gathered as the Advent candle of Joy was lit and where we heard that we have joy because God is joy. We all participated in the Nativity Story as we sang some carols, read about the people and animals of the Nativity, as we had put on the various costumes found in bags that we chose as we entered the sanctuary. After we had read what was included in the bags, we placed a small lit candle on the table where the nativity scene is set up. Following the service we all gathered at the front of the sanctuary in our costumes to have our collective picture taken. This service is the first time in years that I have participated in a Nativity pageant, and it was wonderful! How about for others?
And now a couple of reminders: Our Candlelight Christmas service is this Sunday, December 22nd at 7 p.m. There will be no service in the morning this Sunday. Also, there will be no Sunday service at St. Andrew’s on December 29th and so we are invited to attend the service at Okotoks United at 10:45.