On the Second Sunday in Lent, February 25th, fourteen worshippers gathered with Julia as she continued the Lenten series “Facing the Cross: Finding the Holy in Hard Times.” Using the scripture reading Mark 8:31-38, Julia entitled the message “Save Yourself.” Jesus says in order to live life to the fullest we must let go of our “false self” _and then will know the holy. To know compassion and love for not only ourselves, but others is a life-long journey. Julia left us with this question to ponder: We are all going to die, the question remains how are we going to live?

Following the service, most of us went downstairs for the “Power Social”, where we celebrated with the person whose birthday is in February. This time also enabled many of us to extend to Julia our blessings as she leaves for her three-month sabbatical on March 1st.

The Third Sunday in Lent, March 3rd, church service at St. Andrew’s United was cancelled because of the road conditions and cold temperatures. If there would have been a service, we would have heard Rev. Lee Spice continue the Lenten series “Facing the Cross: Finding the Holy in Hard Times.”

May I suggest that we read Mark 1:29-39 and see how people, including Simon’s mother-in-law, were healed into wholeness. Lee entitled her message “Healing into Wholeness”, and so I ask us to consider how and when we have been healed into wholeness and how during those times we have found the holy.

Marie Wedderburn