Written by P. Marie Wedderburn.

January 21st saw eighteen people join with Julia as she told the story of the calling of the disciples by Jesus. In her reflection of these callings, she asked us to think about who and what we follow perhaps especially via social media. Jesus calls each of us saying “Come, follow me.” Jesus offers hope, new life, forgiveness, the kingdom of God to us. The question Julia asked us this week was “What would it take for us to follow Jesus?” And so I ask, How do we as individuals and as a community of faith answer this question?

(The calling of the disciples are found in Matthew 4:18-22, 10:2-4; Mark 1:16-20, 3:13-19; Luke 5:1-11, 27-32; 6:12-16; John 1:35-51; Acts 1:13.)

Then on January 28th, twenty-two people heard Julia continue her sermon series of Tell Me the Stories of Jesus. We know that Jesus told stories which are often called parables. These stories are planted within us and as we ponder their further meaning in our hearts we be- come more and more a reflection in God’s eyes. For the spiritual potential is within us and is thus an internal happening. Julia’s question left with us this week was “Do we have the ears to truly hear these stories/parables of Jesus?”

At the Power Social following the service on the 28th we celebrated with the three people in our community of faith who have January birthdays.

Then on February 4th it was snowing and the 511 Alberta Road conditions did not look favourable for me to drive so I stayed home. Those who gathered at St. Andrew’s United no doubt heard Julia continue her sermon series of “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus.”

A friendly reminder that St. Andrew’s United Church’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is on Sunday, February 11th which Julia must attend. Thus, our service time on the 11th is 11 a.m. Following the service, which will be lead by Mark, we will have a potluck lunch with the AGM beginning at 1 p.m.