Day for Giving to Rowan House

“A church isn’t about the number of people sitting in the pews, it’s about the size of the heart of its congregation”.  That’s what the Okotoks’ Western Wheel said about our little church in the giving of $8,083 to the Rowan House Emergency Shelter on July 16th. These...

Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day ! This year (2020), has seen a different kind of Canada Day celebration. COVID-19 has changed the way we gather to pray and the way we gather to socialize. But, we still found a way to be with each other, even if it was only for a short time, we were...

May 5, 2024 – Growing like a seed in the Kingdom

Sunday April 21st saw twenty-three people welcome Karen Pryznyk as our worship leader for the first in a four-part series she will deliver. The scripture readings are found in Mark 4:26-29 and Luke 17:20-21. Karen entitled her message “The Kingdom of God Is Within...

DeWinton / Okotoks & WWI

  On Monday, April 29, 2024, Kathy Coutts from the Okotoks Museum & Archives gave a power-point presentation to 35 individuals from the area as well as travelers from Nanton!  Kathy spoke of the challenges of our lads during WWI, those who survived, and those...

April 14, 2024 – – Have a little faith

On the Second Sunday of Easter, April 7th, ten people joined with Rev. Dr. Karen Medland who entitled her message “When Our Doubt Is Greater Than Our Faith.” We heard the scripture John 20:19-31 where Jesus declares himself to the disciples sheltered in a locked room...