A gift from Parkview United Church in Vauxhall to St. Andrew’s United Church in DeWinton, Alberta

Dedicating the new Bell at St. Andrew’s on a cold blistery day. Even so, all rejoiced at the beautiful sound. The Bell was a gift on the closing of Parkview United Church in Vauxhall, Alberta. Many wanted to ring the new treasure. The Bell can be heard in the surrounding area every Sunday morn, calling all to worship. The challenge was to remove the Bell from the belfry of the Parkview Church, perseverance, and determination saw the bell and the bats released from the steeple.



A Big THANKS! to Custom Riggers for an excellent job. 






Many from DeWinton visited Vauxhall to gather with those from Parkview United Church to watching the removal of this very special bell.

  Today (March 2024), all in DeWinton hear the ringing of the bell every Sunday morning at 8:55 am – – a joyous sound!