
Christmas Concert – December 2020

  De Winton’s annual Christmas concert was wonderful this year in spite of the Covid-19 challenges. An online concert was organized and was a resounding success!  As a result, our church was able to donate to the Veteran’s Food Bank. Contributors to the concert...

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Thanksgiving – October 2020

This year’s Thanksgiving worship involved COVID-19 protocols for those who attended the first in-person service at Okotoks United Church since March 2020. Congregants from St. Andrew’s and Okotoks also attended via Zoom. This worship was very special as it included ...

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Day for Giving to Rowan House

“A church isn’t about the number of people sitting in the pews, it’s about the size of the heart of its congregation”.  That’s what the Okotoks’ Western Wheel said about our little church in the giving of $8,083 to the Rowan House Emergency Shelter on July 16th. These...

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Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day ! This year (2020), has seen a different kind of Canada Day celebration. COVID-19 has changed the way we gather to pray and the way we gather to socialize. But, we still found a way to be with each other, even if it was only for a short time, we were...

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May 5, 2024 – Growing like a seed in the Kingdom

Sunday April 21st saw twenty-three people welcome Karen Pryznyk as our worship leader for the first in a four-part series she will deliver. The scripture readings are found in Mark 4:26-29 and Luke 17:20-21. Karen entitled her message “The Kingdom of God Is Within...

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Celebrating birthdays!

             Even though our congregants cannot be together to celebrate each-others birthdays, we gather in our cars and then do a birthday drive-by! Some come wearing funny hats, many come shaking bells and other noise makers, and as each car drive by, there are...

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Lives lost in Nova Scotia – April 18-19, 2020

On Sunday, April 26, 2020, the church bell at St. Andrew’s United Church rang 23 times for each of the lives lost in Nova Scotia.  As we sat in our vehicles, we were reminded that each life was precious and loved. Lisa McCully, Const. Heidi Stevenson, Heather O’Brien...

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Prayer for Nova Scotia – 2020

Prayer for Nova Scotia  O God, we are lost.  We cannot comprehend the horror, the pain, the fear.  The incredible anguish and loss.  We pray that those who grieve will find openings in their fear and pain to receive the comfort offered by loved ones, and others who...

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Spring 2020

  The spring of 2020 brought uncertainties, fear, and loneliness, for many due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Our faithful family from St. Andrews could no longer gather for Sunday service or for fellowship.  The little church with a big heart had to temporarily...

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Christmas Goodness – 2020

The season was a busy one at St. Andrew’s.  Through one of our members, we became involved in baking of cookies for the Magic of Christmas.  A fun morning was had by all!  The Magic of Christmas began originally as The Spirit of Christmas by Bob Johnson in 1983.  The...

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© St Andrew's United Church 2024

304 Macleod Trail West

De Winton, AB T1S 5J4
