
Don Henry Concert

Always a favourite at St. Andrew’s is the Don Henry Concert which is usually held in November. Don has entertained us for many years and continues to do so with many favourite songs of yester-year.  

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The Memory Bell – Sept 2017

A gift from Parkview United Church in Vauxhall to St. Andrew's United Church in DeWinton, Alberta Dedicating the new Bell at St. Andrew’s on a cold blistery day. Even so, all rejoiced at the beautiful sound. The Bell was a gift on the closing of Parkview United Church...

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March 14, 2024

On the Second Sunday in Lent, February 25th, fourteen worshippers gathered with Julia as she continued the Lenten series “Facing the Cross: Finding the Holy in Hard Times.” Using the scripture reading Mark 8:31-38, Julia entitled the message “Save Yourself.” Jesus...

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Welcome to St. Andrew’s United Church BLOG!

Introducing a world where faith and community intertwine, St. Andrew's United Church (DeWinton) welcomes you to our captivating BLOG! Discover a sanctuary of uplifting stories, insightful reflections, and meaningful connections that will nurture your soul. Dive into...

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February 22, 2024

Written by Marie Wedderburn. February 11th, twenty-one people gathered for the worship service at 11 a.m. along with Mark who delivered Julia’s last reflection in her series “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus.” Mark told the story of “No Place to Lay His Head” from Mark...

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News from St. Andrew’s United Church

Written by P. Marie Wedderburn. January 21st saw eighteen people join with Julia as she told the story of the calling of the disciples by Jesus. In her reflection of these callings, she asked us to think about who and what we follow perhaps especially via social...

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© St Andrew's United Church 2024

304 Macleod Trail West

De Winton, AB T1S 5J4
