Easter 2022
What an amazing Easter week beginning with Maundy Thursday and a Good Friday Service at the Okotoks United Church, and then an Easter sunrise service at the Erratic – ‘Big Rock’ outside of Okotoks. We are so blessed to be able to have the freedoms to participate and...
Christmas Service – 2021
We gathered on December 19th on a very cold winter evening for our annual candlelight Christmas service. Many attended in spite of the weather. We thank both Rev. Julia and Matthew for leading the service on this blustery winter’s evening [gallery...
Be Still and Know that I am God – May 19, 2024
We heard the scripture readings of Deuteronomy 6:1-9 which is the scripture immediately following the giving of the Ten Commandments. We also heard Matthew 22:34-40 where Jesus is asked by one of the Pharisees which is the greatest commandment to which Jesus responds...
Thank you Audrey Hipwell – October 2021
We gathered on October 4, 2021 to pay tribute to Audrey and all that she has offered to our church community; her faithfulness to God in offering her gifts of music, laughter, humour, and grace. Audrey has been a willing and gifted minister in her own right. Thank...
Easter – April 2021
April 4, 2021 Excerpts from Rev. Julia's sermon with respect to Mark 16:1-8. . . . The Easter message is good news because in no uncertain terms it tells us that death, pain, tragedy, despair and hopelessness are absolutely not the last word. That after the worst that...
The Drive-by Birthday Parade
The Drive-by Birthday Parade Though all at St. Andrew’s were aware of the nasty pandemic, There were Birthdays to be celebrated, so car parades were organized so no one could get sick. From far and wide they came and gathered safely, Horns-a-blaring, noise makers a...
Christmas Concert – December 2020
De Winton’s annual Christmas concert was wonderful this year in spite of the Covid-19 challenges. An online concert was organized and was a resounding success! As a result, our church was able to donate to the Veteran’s Food Bank. Contributors to the concert...
Thanksgiving – October 2020
This year’s Thanksgiving worship involved COVID-19 protocols for those who attended the first in-person service at Okotoks United Church since March 2020. Congregants from St. Andrew’s and Okotoks also attended via Zoom. This worship was very special as it included ...
Day for Giving to Rowan House
“A church isn’t about the number of people sitting in the pews, it’s about the size of the heart of its congregation”. That’s what the Okotoks’ Western Wheel said about our little church in the giving of $8,083 to the Rowan House Emergency Shelter on July 16th. These...
Happy Canada Day!
Happy Canada Day ! This year (2020), has seen a different kind of Canada Day celebration. COVID-19 has changed the way we gather to pray and the way we gather to socialize. But, we still found a way to be with each other, even if it was only for a short time, we were...